+56 222 630 238 info@systecsa.cl
Axon’ Customer Seminar, Montmirail France

Axon’ Customer Seminar, Montmirail France

On the ocassion of the Paris Air Show in France, Axon’ organized a seminar for clients from several countries at Montmirail Castle, in the Champagne region, France. SYSTEC was invited to participate as an Axon’s representative for the Chilean market. During the day of...
Axon’ Customer Seminar, Montmirail France

Séminaire AXON, Montmirail Francia

Profitant de la semaine du Salón Paris Air Show en France, Axon’ a organisé un seminaires pour ses clients venus de nombreux país le jeudi 20 juin au Chateau de Montmirail, situé en Champagne. SYSTEC a été invité à participer en sa qualité de représentant...
SYSTEC a visité l’usine de FIRST Switchtech á Paris

SYSTEC visits FIRST Switchtech factory in Paris

Within the suppliers loyalty program, SYSTEC makes periodic visits to factories and facilities of the represented suppliers. During June 2019, FIRST Switchtech factory was visited in the city of Paris, France. Many of the automation relays that are used in several...